Pioneer walks walk submission

Submit a walk to Pioneer Walks

So what is the walk submission plat form? We wanted to outline what it is, what we’re trying to achieve and address some questions we’ve had come up.

Firstly, what is it?

The platform works like this, a user creates an account and is given a profile, this is where their submitted walks live. The user can customise their profile with their own banner and links to their own website, facebook and Instagram. When logged in the user get insights on how there walk is going in terms of comment count and views.

When a user submits a walk it goes into a pending state, we are notified that a submission is pending approval. We will go over it to make sure it fit guidelines, basically, nothing inappropriate and stable images. More on the requirements here.

What is are we trying to achieve?

There is only so many places we can visit to create detailed guides for, this way we can get together as a community of adventurers and list these places together. We also wanted to create a platform that helps Instagramers and outdoor bloggers alike to get their name out there and be recognised.

Some questions we’ve been asked so far

  • Can I remove and edit my walks if I chose to?
    • Yes, it your walk, we don’t own the content so we won’t tell you what you can and can’t do with it. Currently we have the functionality to delete a walk but we don’t yet have editing capabilities, we are however in the process of adding this. in the mean time if you have an edit to make reach out to us and we will do it for you.
  • Who do the images belong to when I upload them?
    • You, just because it’s on our site doesn’t make them ours. We also suggest you watermark your images(along as its not obscuring the image), to protect your images and put your branding on them.
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