Boyd Rainforest Walk
Boyd Rainforest walk is found in the Morton National Park on Twelve Mile rd, which can be found on your left as you head out of Ulladulla towards Nowra approx 20kms out of Ulladulla. You follow the road for around 9kms on the unsealed road which can be accessed by standard vehicles. To the right there is an overflow carpark which is where you will park to begin the walk.
There is a sign back on the main road which should be straight ahead of when leaving the carpark. It should say "rainforest walk" where you will then see a clear trail. This will lead you through green fields with birds chirping in the trees above. Gumtrees, Ferns and Dracophyllum aline the path for most of the walk. The walk does start to take you up-hill where it will lead you to Boyds lookout. Here this lookout will over you beautiful views of the Conjola area as well as provide beautiful views of the coast. Form this viewing platform you can also see pigeon house just on the horizon. The granite and sandstone rocks do require you to scurry in some places. You will notice a large sandstone rock with a large cut out in it that makes for a beautiful photo opportunity. When you reach the fence section part of the lookout, follow it onto Twelve Mile Road. Shortly after following the road you will see two largely placed boulders which have been placed there to stop cars from entering, from here follow the arrows towards the cliff line. You will soon pass a hole that has been fenced off, which then leads to rock steps and a platform to follow. This area can be steep so make sure you walk carefully.The path will then hug the cliff most of the way down and is rarely level for the rest of the walk. You will walk past a picnic area which is a clear indication that you have almost finished the loop back to your car.