Jump Rock

Jump Rock swimming hole is found at the bottom of Macquarie Pass on the left hand side coming from Albion Park. This is a rather small carpark and can become busy on hot days so there is more parking on the other side of the road if needed. The trail starts from the carpark which veers off at the very start. The path to the left takes you to a lovely green field with a river which flows over rocks which makes for a beautiful photo if you are in no rush for time.
To reach jump rock from the carpark, you need to continue straight from the first fork, which slightly veers to the right. Here there is a trail that is clearly visible most of the way. You will notice there the track splits off again a few times, one path that leads along the water and the other that starts to ascend. You are able to take both paths however when the river path ascends, it will meet with the other path. As you walk, you will notice many nice swimming spots if you get hot along the way in which you can easily cool off in.
The path will take you through lush trees that are covered in vines and ferns. Birds whistling, lizards sunbathing and native wildlife are typical fauna you are expected to see. Make sure you do wear inclosed shoes for the walk as the path does become muddy in some sections and there are leeches about so pack some salt. You continue the walk until you come to a section of the river that you need to pass by jumping on to some large rocks. This is how you know you've almost made it. When you reach the other side turn to the left and follow the water until you see a large swimming area with a water cascade flowing down.
In the water you will see ropes tied in various places, all of these aiding you to climb. Rock climbing grips have been palced up the walls which you can attempt to climb before falling back into the water. Once you've worked up the courage to climb the ropes up the cliff you can then take a leap of faith off the rocks into the deep pool. Jumping platforms range from 3-10metres depending on your confidence.
When you're ready to head home, head the same way you came to get back to the car.
Pack a towel, sunscreen, water, enclosed shoes and some snacks to make it a full day experience. Please remember to take rubbish with you as bins are not provided. We want the area to remain pristine so please be mindful of the environment.
First off kudos on the instagram and this website.
Went and did Jump Rock falls the other day (you liked my IG post – thanks!) and just wanted to say that before I went I read your guide, I noted the grade was ‘medium’.
I had read on the Mini-Ha-Ha Falls guide that is graded as hard. SO obviously I compared the two!
As feedback I would say they are the wrong way around, I’m guiessing you’re familiar with Jump Rock, it is not an easy trail, the tree roots, the banks, the mud, the rocks, the steepness, the width, the times the trail disappears…both my partner and I lost our footing a few times. (Still totally worth it)
In comparison Mini-Ha-Ha is, well, a walk in the park! It is a clear, well used trail, relatively wide with little to no climbing. Except of course for (two?) sets of near vertical steps towards the bottom. They are however installed, metal with handrails.
I just felt as a comparison it was very misleading, not having a go, love that your site got me there, just some feedback.
Thank you Stuart, we appreciate the feedback, I agree, the grading is definitely wrong and I’d assume it was simply a mistake that we missed when we uploaded the walks.
Hi, Pioneer walks!
I tried to do this trail on the weekend and the path is terrible we couldn’t even find the path half the time. If anyone has any hints on the path to making it to jump rock please let me know as we would like to try again.
Hi there!
Yeah unfortunately at times the track is hard to find through the dense rain forest. Our best advise is that when the path disappears or becomes unclear just work your way through what ever way you can while following the river, as the river leads to jump rock regardless so you won’t have any worrys about getting lost. Good luck with the adventures! ๐
Having been involved in numerous rescues of Jump Rock visitors I am a little surprised in the advice you are providing. The track (and I use that term loosely) is not suitable for inexperienced walkers. I have too often seen mums and dads, teenagers and young children who are clearly not geared up for the walk. Inappropriate footwear, the inability to do very basic navigation, and prams have no place at this location. During the summer period we can average 1-2 calls for assistance every weekend.
Using the National Track standards this walk would be classified as a grade 4 (at the very least a grade 3) and not recommended for inexperienced visitors.
Hi, my daughters and myself attempted Jump rock this week, we lost the track at times, some of the track is very steep over tree roots and parts of the track have eroded. Consequently we walked up the river could find no more track after 35 plus minutes, it got muddy and slippery and turned back and swam in one of the beautiful swimming holes we pasted on the way. We would love to do it again and get to jump rock. Any tips would be appreciated.
Hi Claire,
I’m sorry to hear you didn’t make it all the way ๐ the track can be hard to find and follow, especially due to a lot of tracks going in all kinds of directions. My best advice would be to just follow the river as closely as possible or at least so you can see it as you head up stream. Leave early so you can take your time as it can get slippery and potentially dangerous you want no need to rush. The great thing about this walk is getting lost near impossible with the river to guide you back. there is slim chance that you’d miss jump rock, with how popular it is there is always people hanging out there.
is there any way of getting public transport here?
I don’t believe so, I was unable to find any information on that for you and I would imagine the pass would be pretty tight for any buses/ a low demand for the area.
We walked jump rock with our 3 kids before Christmas and it is a tricky trail which requires decent footwear. One section is dicey with some rope to help you navigate erosion and drop off. Our kids do a lot of bushwalking so ok for them. On a side note we found some disposed syringes near the start of the trail so can’t highlight the need for shoes enough. Great spot for a swim.
Walked jump rock with a friend today and was surprised by how manageable it was as the comments had said the opposite. In saying that, we wore decent shoes and carried backpacks so our hands were free to grab onto trees and what not. The track was very easy to keep track of as we followed the track that lead into the bush but could always see the river so we knew we were headed the right direction.
We came across only five people on the walk and no one at jump rock which was nice – had it to ourselves. Although, at jump rock it is a little bit dodgy with the ropes and slippery rocks so be careful.
It took us 50 minutes to get up there first time as we took our time, stopped frequently to take photos and kept swapping between walking on the rocks or in the bush. However on the way back we stuck to one path, didn’t need to stop and got back to the carpark in 15 minutes.
I would recommend this walk for anyone of any grade of experience in bush walking as all you need to do is take your time and wear appropriate shoes.
Well worth the effort … Some erosion on track but if you follow the creek, get there with a little rock hopping and not too much effort.
How deep is the water at the Macquarie jump rock?
I live in this area and hae made this trek a number of times over the past 20 years.
This is most definitely not a track to walk for a family outing with young kids.
The track at first appears fine until about a quarter the way in. The track gets steep requires climbing over rocks, tree stumps and roots. The track is not marked and unless you have been there before or guided by someone who has it is very easy to lose your way.
The railbus goes through the Pass daily from The highlands to wollongong station
Hi.. My brother and I were a big fan of waterfalls.. been to so many of them with my brother.. unfortunately my brother passed away and I havenโt been to any for the last few years.. This was on our bucket list, I would love to go but hesitant on my own.. is there any tour guides or I could tag alone with someone so I could take some photos and pin it on my brother and I album.
Thank you guys
The cascades walk (on the opposite, north side of the road) is an easy walk with primary school aged children (no fences and not suitable for strollers) and the water is perfect for paddling
Highly recommend the cascades walk – well maintained and eats track to follow
The track is steep, slippery and confusing. Don’t bother.